Workshop: “New Trends and Challenges in the Development of RPAS-2015”

New Trends and Challenges in the Development of RPAS-2015, Brasov,Romania

Bassaka Media as co-organizer, invites you to take part in the workshop on “New Trends and Challenges in the Development of RPAS –  2015 “.

The event is organized by “UVS ROMANIA”,  together with the National Defense University ,, Carol I” – Bucharest,  Air Force Staff, Air Force Academy Braşov, National Military Aviation Authority and the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority, between 25 and 26 of June, 2015, in Brasov, Romania, at Air Force Academy.

New Trends and Challenges in the Development of RPAS-2015, Brasov,RomaniaThe event is dedicated to the promotion and development of unmanned systems without humans on board,  in Romania. Participants will debate issues related to national and international regulations in the field, technology and management, training, education and specific RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) logistics.

Scientists, academics, Romanian and foreign students, representatives of national and international organizations, representatives of manufacturers and developers, media are invited to join this event.

Contact person:
cdor.conf.univ.dr.eng. Laurentiu Popescu-Răducu
Mobile: 0720 549 012