How Was the First Edition of USF on May 16th, 2014

USF Conference - May 16th,2014 - Bucharest
USF Conference – May 16th,2014 – Bucharest

Unmanned Solutions Forum Conference – the first event in Romania dedicated unmanned solutions and their practical applications – organised by Bassaka Media, was held on May 16, 2014 at Baneasa Romaero Aerospace Complex. The conference took place within the Black Sea Defense & Aerospace Exhibition.

The objective of the conference was to provide an opportunity for industry professionals (producers, suppliers of services in the field, buyers and representatives from Civil Aviation Authority ) to interact and present the latest solutions, initiatives and the latest regulations in Romania in the field of unmanned systems .

The participants in the Conference presented the following topics :

  • „Relevant Aerial Images of Remote Locations” – Cristian MATEESCU–Founder & Vice President TEAMNET INTERNATIONAL –
  • “Trend and Necessity in International Tourism Promotion – Use of Drones for Panoramic Shots” – Octavian ISAILA – 360Tourist.RO –
  • “Autonomus System for Image Geo-Tagging and Target Recognition” – Conf.Dr.Eng. Petrisor PARVU- “ELIE CARAFOLI” DEPART. OF AEROSPACESCIENCE AT FACULTY OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, Bucharest –
  • “UVS ROMANIA” Association – conf.univ.dr.eng. Laurentiu-Raducu POPESCU – “UVS ROMANIA” ASSOCIATION -The Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Romania –
  • Current State of Regulations on UAVs Operating in National Airspace  – CAA – ROMANIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY – Aircraft Inspector Vicentiu Dinu and Aircraft Inspector Remus Dogaru – CAA – ROMANIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY –

Free discussions were held on the topics presented  and as expected, the current state of regulations for UAV operations in Romania aroused great interest .

The most important information provided by representatives of the CAA – Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority – are the following:

  • Flights below 3000 m above Bucharest are regulated by law and must obtain special authorization, especially from Ministry of Defence
  • Aircraft under 1 kg are exempt from the provisions of Order 8, as long as no audio video recording systems are on board.
  • It is possible that new regulations for flying unmanned aircraft will provide that certain flights to be made with the agreement of the owner of land over which the flight is conducted .
  • An EU legislation in the field of UAV flight is to be issued
  • The  acceptable minimum safety for unmanned aircraft must be established
  • CAA has received 14 applications for airspace segregation in Bucharest, since the entry into force of the Order 8. Approval, however,is not given by CAA, but only by Romatsa and military system . Many applications have not been fully documented .
  • CAA will achieve complete regulations for unmanned aircraft flight by mid 2015. Order 8 provides a temporary possibility to fly for unmanned aircraft .
  • EASA – European Aviation Safety Agency – concluded that the official regulations for UAV should focus on aircraft flying less than 20 kg and a height below 500 feet , several categories – flying within sight , out of sight above populated areas . Unfortunately, the expected EASA regulations for all operations of UAVs will be ready in a period of 5 years in Europe. Until Then are CAA will try to regulation at national level, which , according to order 8, must be ready no later than July 2015 .

Addressing the participants at USF 2014 ConferenceMr. Niculai Ududec, aerial photogrammetry expert, emphasized the need, for all those working or related to the field of unmanned solutions, to unite efforts in order to achieve a non-prohibitive legislation. He also pointed out that besides the aircraft operating without certification, there are other problems too. For example, shooting at a scale smaller than 1 in 20,000 get into the classified information. Unmanned Aircraft take photos with ​​resolutions below 20 cm , respectively 5cm, 2cm . Consequently, they violate and national security law .

On  website, we will  try to centralize discussions, ideas, initiatives and proposals for legislation in the field of unmanned solutions in Romania and will keep you up to date with information related to our events in the future.


Organizer: Bassaka Media

Partner: BSDA – Black Sea Defence & Aerospace

Media Partners:,,,, Federation Professionnelle du Drone Civil

Contact us:
Augustin LUPU: +40 733 066 447
Carmen CRISTAL: +40 741 133198

Bassaka Media thank all participants and partners who have made ​​possible this first edition of Unmanned Solutions Forum .

Looking forward to meeting you at the 2014 Autumn Edition of Unmanned Solutions Forum and next year in Split, Croatia !